Blog Description

I'll be periodically updating my blog with information about my journey through college and how I am accomplishing my goal of becoming a physician assistant.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Busy Semester

Hello again! I apologize for the lack of posts, but this semester has been really busy. I'm currently taking microbiology, A&P II, biomedical ethics, and abnormal psychology, as well as an online medical terminology class. Microbiology is a lot of studying and work, and it's not the easiest subject in the world either. Even though this week is my spring break, a majority of it is going to be dedicated to studying for a microbiology exam the Monday I return. The work seems to never end…I just gotta keep my goal of becoming a PA in sight.

On Tuesday I am returning to shadow a physician assistant I shadowed over winter break in orthopedic trauma, as well as a trauma physician assistant. I am very excited, and plan to ask many questions!

Recently, I began volunteering in an emergency room near campus, and it has been very interesting. Aside from making beds and stocking supplies, I have gotten to see a lot of very fascinating things, such as an intubation the other day. Though it's not direct patient contact, I've found it to be very educational to see from the inside how an emergency room functions.

I've also recently been accepted onto another first aid squad near my campus, bringing my current squad membership total to 3 (yeah, I recognize that I'm a whacker…). I plan to start riding for them when I get back from break and gain more patient contact experience.

Finally, I'm working on my applications for a summer job. I plan to find employment utilizing my EMT certification as an ER tech. An ER tech is very hands on, and I am very excited to hopefully work as one for the summer.

In the next month or so I plan to begin working on my applications for physician assistant school. I need to go around and find people who are willing to give me references, as well as begin my personal statement. I want to have it all completed by June/very early July.

Well, that's it for today. Sorry for making it so brief, but I truly am swamped because of this microbiology exam. 300 pages to learn by next Monday…I can do it. Thanks for taking the time to stop by, and please feel free to comment/leave any questions you may have!


Anonymous said...

Hi. I'm a pre-PA student trying to blog about my journey towards actually getting into PA school. Is it ok if I link your site???

Ron said...

Yes, you certainly may link to my site! Can you send me a link to your site? I'd like to take a look at it! Good luck with your journey towards becoming a PA!

Anonymous said...

Micro was hard because it was a nursing class!! HAH! And PA's aren't the closest thing to a doctor NP's are too.

The Sleepy Squirrel said...

Actually, if you want to get technical a PA is closer to a doctor because they are taught on the medical model, not the nursing model like an NP. And for the record, I'd think twice before saying nursing classes are harder than the pre-PA track. You obviously haven't done your homework or you'd see there are nearly twice as many requirements. If I were you, I'd do my research before shooting my mouth off. Have a lovely day.

Anonymous said...


I'm planning to apply to PA schools. I will be taking pre reqs and volunteer. Your blog is very interesting ... One question, how can I get to shadow a PA?
